Sunday 5 February 2017

Reflections on Netiquette and forums

Hi there folks.

Today was unfortunate, and a clear signal that
I need to change where and how I spend my time online.
This will mean I no longer feature FO4 related content here or elsewhere.
Any mods involved with me, will never be hosted at that domain.
I will not deal with that forum in the future.
Apologies to third parties and mod projects I was involved in ---
any future involvement will need to take place at other locales.
You have methods and means of reaching me, as many of you already have (and I am appreciative of. thank you for your support in this testing time).

It's not you or I, it is very much them.
There was never a we or an us, it was
one rule for some users, another rule for other users.

At a popular gaming-mod hosting site,
I was harassed and intimidated via PM and via public post,
for incorrect formatting and 'weird' expression of ideas. Publicly, just shy of being told to "shut up and leave".
specifically, my sentences were graded for having not been formatted in a
justified and 1.5 line space manner. I was unaware that it was so formal a context, and was unaware of constraints.
My psychological mindstate was also 'evaluated', by persons grossly unqualified to do so.
(I was mocked for having a william shatner style of speech, and for being long-winded, by several users).

When I politely requested people refrain from that abhorrent conduct,
and asked those people for an apology, for delimiting my free speech
and telling me how to conduct myself... they had a second bite at the cherry.
I responded to their public admonishment in kind.
I have screenshots of all correspondence and the website, in addition to the wayback machine.
I am 100% in the right on this issue, I have sent that matter to others for review.

I was then banned for being a 'spambot/flame griefer'.
My contributions and content was deleted. summarily, without possibility for review or further correspondence.

Several former fellow users felt the need to refer that matter for review.
As a result,  I am no longer wanting to be in those spaces.
They "win" - it is their name on the door,
and they can't handle 'weird' or 'different'.
It is their loss - they lose what I brought to the table - I know they said it was useless and nothing,
though the collaborations and friends I made prove quantifiably otherwise.

They are YOLO TLDR, and are reading-averse. That is not my issue in the slightest.
they're happy to sit through hundreds of hours of advertisements elsewhere, but cannot skip past
890 words which aren't formatted to their satifaction?
and I'm the bad guy for having pointed that out?

Let me be clear.
At the first instance, I requested people utilize the Private Message feature,
to provide feedback of a critical nature. They insisted on ignoring my wishes or requests,
in flagrant disregard for other people or their feelings - in short, they were quantifiably inconsiderate.
After having a Code of Conduct and Terms of Service leveraged against me,
I then proceeded in kind and by the book.

I never told them how they may speak, or where they could post what.
I didn't come to them, and admonish their conduct.
I didn't cyber stalk them across EVERY FREAKIN THREAD, and no-one held a gun to their eyes and forced them to read whatever I contributed.
They could have ignored me... they chose to be that way, and to go on a vendetta.

I feel strongly that a cliquish culture exists there,
it is that insidious hipster-gamer-poser subculture - sorta like morality or fashion police,
thought police etc.
and that these people misrepresented the way in which they conducted themselves.
Just to get rid of that "improperly formatted writing..."
how pathetic. that is the height of fascism,
and enjoy that while you can.
some people, they do 2 or 3 things, and they suddenly believe
they have powers to impose things on other people...

well guess what, you don't.
You do not have the right to tell me how I may speak, if I am not doing any harm,
and no-one else complains...
you do not have the right to be a grammar-aryan and fascist, and tell me in my recreational spaces,
how I must conduct myself. that is a blatant Is/Ought paradox...

in over 20 years of internet and real-world customer service relations,
I have NEVER had such poor service or conduct,
and never experienced such overt censorship in my life.

They don't know me. They don't 'care' about me, as a fellow user or even as a human being.
it was all a pretense to get rid of an inconvenience from 'their' place.
Even the elderly behave better than this when staking out their 'territory'.

Onwards and upwards.
I am glad I have an answer, and will certainly inform my praxis in other areas
based on this dreadful learning experience.

Good riddance to bad company,
and hopefully other mod-places are more of that collaborative and fun environment which initially was the appeal of other forums and places.
There is a world of options out there, and I frankly don't need that
crud in my YOLO TLDR.

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