Monday, 27 July 2015

Late Stat Cards 2

So, a few folks requested some statcards to accompany various customs,
and I'm happy to dabble and honor that request (since you asked kindly).

 Above: Xanatos (pronounced: Zah-nah-toz, as opposed to Sa-na-toss, or Kx-ana-tos, or Xena-tos), Qui-Gon Jinn's first failed apprentice, and main antagonist of the Jedi Apprentice novels.
Above: T4 Turret droid, of Jedi Power Battles and TCW fame. These things were formidable but super-rare due to the high cost of production and high losses when freighters carrying these were intercepted by the Republic and confiscated.

 Above: Droidekas, as they were supposed to be.

EDIT: due to popular demand, a revised variant of the DD has been 'remastered'.
see if you can spot all the differences between this version and the remastered one. 

 Above: perfect for recreating some scenarios, the CE may be overpowered, yet it punishes separatist players if they abuse the effect with a chance of instant death...
 Above: a redo of a classic golden oldie, to represent the later versions. These are approaching what the rebels and the empire have access to. I don't think it renders the old version useless, because they're cheaper.

Above: These are fun. They're nastier, and being the cost of 3 or 4 droids, but with damage output that is 2/3rds of that, most will choose the other versions. This could be fun to bring in via reserves though. I use the Knight Models figures and the Epic Duels figures to proxy these.

 Yaddle, at her survivalist best. This piece and Tsui-Choi, Jedi Survivor make a GREAT dynamic duo, as does Yoda + Yaddle.
Above: If this looks like a beast, remember that it is a shooter-rich environment, and these were annoying in RotS the game. A slight mod to one of Surf's best customs.

More to follow, enjoy!

art elements sourced from DevArt over the years, and are their respective owners IP - no infudgement intended, these are for use freely with the SWMinis game.
SWMinis, remains the property of WotC 2004-2010.
SW and SW elements, the property of Disney corp (a subsidary of WeylandYutani), again, no infudgement intended as these are freely for use with an out-of-production boardgame (from the 'legends' timeline)

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