Friday, 31 July 2015

Late Stats 3b

We've got another and more experimental batch here -
they've been playtested since 2013, but still aren't finalised.

 Above: Adi Gallia was a formidable jedi combatant, though this version is her inspiring by being effective at combat, rather than the General/Tactician she was also known in the E.U. as
 Above: Ithorian Jedi, but which doesn't efface the Roron Corrobb from the Tartakovsky Clone Wars. Makashi Style helps counter other non-unique Separatist Darksiders and increasingly the witches subfaction.
Above: A Councillor from the TPM to AotC era, J'Mikel was killed by Aurra Sing. This prototype omits "Diplomat" and "Aggressive Negotiations" in favor of Force Thrust and Mighty Swing at the behest of playtesters. (Yes, Force Thrust was an 'official run' force power)

I've had some questions recently on how I cost things -
I use a formula from SithFan, and I also do comparative analysis on similarly costed pieces,
and the other playtesters assist me by keeping an eye on potential combinations and synergies, which is a 'wildcard' that can increase or decrease a cost of a figure.
Most of my cards will be overcosted - and that is the safer side of caution to be on, better than too cheap hehehe

If there's some pieces you think are disproportionate - I'm looking forward to hearing a playtest feedback or specific problematic interactions.
Above all, thanks for all the support - I've been playing this for near on 8 years, and to have so many people request more cards or enjoy printing them has been awesome.

Stay tuned for some really well-made fan cards for the custom Borg and Fringer stuff for ST:AW also - some local fans have been kind enough to make them for the Tetrahedron, because they were so smitten with them - I'm speechless (and for a wordy guy like myself, that's pretty rare hehehe),
thanks! = )

Do you have a request for custom miniatures or statcards?
feel free to leave some ideas here or on Bloomilk or All Scale Trek, or even Lead

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Late Stat Cards 3a

more custom stats, a variation on a theme hehehe.

 Above: It took forever to find a decent image to make this custom, a fun card.
 Above: perfect image from DevArt exactly matches the custom I made for 2 ARC's with Rotating/Rotary? Blaster
Above: A decent-ish shooter, but his CE cuts both ways - it removes other CE's to prevent broken combos, and boosts ARCs into death machines. This represents Fordo at his best, and is 'ultimate' fordo, not the phase 3 armor fordo seen later. Avoid Defeat will make those ARCs nasty prospects, and the original default ARC will only be 15 points, an intimidating prospect.

Above: A type of translucent sentient mangrove, these species propagate by asexual splitting. Overpowered as a miniature? maybe.

More to follow, and you can check out others on Bloomilk.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Late Stat Cards 2

So, a few folks requested some statcards to accompany various customs,
and I'm happy to dabble and honor that request (since you asked kindly).

 Above: Xanatos (pronounced: Zah-nah-toz, as opposed to Sa-na-toss, or Kx-ana-tos, or Xena-tos), Qui-Gon Jinn's first failed apprentice, and main antagonist of the Jedi Apprentice novels.
Above: T4 Turret droid, of Jedi Power Battles and TCW fame. These things were formidable but super-rare due to the high cost of production and high losses when freighters carrying these were intercepted by the Republic and confiscated.

 Above: Droidekas, as they were supposed to be.

EDIT: due to popular demand, a revised variant of the DD has been 'remastered'.
see if you can spot all the differences between this version and the remastered one. 

 Above: perfect for recreating some scenarios, the CE may be overpowered, yet it punishes separatist players if they abuse the effect with a chance of instant death...
 Above: a redo of a classic golden oldie, to represent the later versions. These are approaching what the rebels and the empire have access to. I don't think it renders the old version useless, because they're cheaper.

Above: These are fun. They're nastier, and being the cost of 3 or 4 droids, but with damage output that is 2/3rds of that, most will choose the other versions. This could be fun to bring in via reserves though. I use the Knight Models figures and the Epic Duels figures to proxy these.

 Yaddle, at her survivalist best. This piece and Tsui-Choi, Jedi Survivor make a GREAT dynamic duo, as does Yoda + Yaddle.
Above: If this looks like a beast, remember that it is a shooter-rich environment, and these were annoying in RotS the game. A slight mod to one of Surf's best customs.

More to follow, enjoy!

art elements sourced from DevArt over the years, and are their respective owners IP - no infudgement intended, these are for use freely with the SWMinis game.
SWMinis, remains the property of WotC 2004-2010.
SW and SW elements, the property of Disney corp (a subsidary of WeylandYutani), again, no infudgement intended as these are freely for use with an out-of-production boardgame (from the 'legends' timeline)

Monday, 6 July 2015

Pepakura Bork Cube Texture 1

The title says it all...
here is a "Bork" cube texture, slap-dashed together in Gimp over a half hour.
Of course, you could combine this with other Gimp effects, and layer this into something else -
I intend to make some printed on decal paper or silk-highgloss at the local printers/officewerks.
A lot of locals that play borg want a cube, at a decent scale, and can't afford either the Warp Models,
the Wizkids or even similar options to the prototype cubes/kitbashes I've made -

"Pepakura+" to the rescue! = )
The texture will allow for the illusion of depth, and you can optionally add the tactical cube armor,
the added benefit, of being able to make the cube flat, yet decent for display.
It is hoped the cellophane/screenprinting and decal lazer printed sheets, will also produce some awesome lighting effects - all while being under the ~$20USD price point
(that people feel is much more reasonable - 1 hours work, instead of a week's pay).

I'm hoping that, we can also cut out segments of the corflute, and use some satin/translucent materials (just as the original physical models did) to help see 'inside' the pepakura + cube.

And, of course, the end-user can use the cubeish model to then customise to their taste.

(Above: a variant of Bork-ish cube, for you to remix as you like - it must be absolutely freely. CBS is awesome, Trek fans are awesomer)

 (Above: A Tactical layer superimposed - tactical and wiring layer obtained from Sirius Replicas --- visit them and enjoy their awesomeness!)
(Above: a dirtier approach made by a local Borg Gamer from the local game store - pure awesome, if not a little too 'regular'. detail elements again from Sirius Replicas)

Use this as an underlay decal, and then customise over it or around it?
print 6 of them, and you've a cube.

So, the above is a sample, using the nyquist "QMaze" and "circuit" command from GIMP, followed by successive layering and depth merging, and "Overlay" "Difference" "Screen" "Multiply" brush commands over successive layers.
A final blur in the mid layer of the 'green' produces the distinctive greenish-yellow-white,
and some custom brush erases leave the patterns seen.

I will later translate some of the Powerpoint clip art into 'greeblies' that can be super-imposed and depth merged in between the circuit and the lighted layers.
And, luckily, someone has already made the large tactical cube pepakura. (though, in a rather blue-d metal color... easily color corrected)

If this side project goes well - this decoupage method will be how a larger object,
such as the Queen Octahedron/Diamond, or the Unimatrix/Nexus, Unicomplex... (in 1-5000 scale, they got Terok Nor, and a Warp Models starbase... it's only fair the Borg get their stuff too)
those larger bork objects will be made this way.
In-home 3D printing just isn't as reliable, consistent or as affordable as many would wish for projects of that scale at this time... in timeframes which can be measured in hours and minutes, with costs in the tens of dollar...

Thanks - for the inquiries, for making the tetrahedrons, pylons and other borgish stuff so popular,
and for the interest - the Borg fanbase are AWESOME!