Saturday, 9 May 2015

StarTrekWars StarWarsTrek rant 2

There's been a glut of crossover gunk at the moment,
and much as people have effaced and usurped the 'nerd' moniker (a pejorative, similar to a racially charged epithet starting also with N.... neither of which ought be used still in language).
So, as local trekker and Warser? (pre disney and K.Kennedy) say, its time to push back.
What follows is the first sardonic parody salvo in that direction,
in the fine tradition of Space Balls and Traumschiff Surprise...

Sadly, with JJbrams at the helm... a crossover at cinema of SW:ST is not far off.
JJBrams and JWhedon J-teamup to bring us the greatest StarWarsTrek movie-length episode that never happened... or is that StarTrekWars? (the advertising campaign hypes up as much hatred and foment in the fanbase as possible, to polarize and force them to watch the stuff and buy the crud... cashcowmilking 101, spluh)
Replete with simultaneously playing clashing music - a hybrid medley of TOS theme and SW opening march.

StarTrekWars, Episode ∞+1
'The Trouble With Crossovers"
While re-aligning the dilythium crystals, Scotty accidentally sneezes,
knocking the crystals out of alignment and back into an active warpdrive.
The JJPrise Transhyperspacetimewarps, [i]Traumschiff Surprise[/i] Style,
and emerges into a mirror universe galaxy far far away.
JJPrise collides with Chu'unthor, the jedi temple ship, which is also on an exploration mission near some strange swamp planet in the far outer rim... 300 years prior to the events of SW Episode 1.
A younger Yoda is aboard...

Captain Kirk refuses to believe in 'The Force", and acquires blasters instead of phasers, preparing to remain in the Warsverse...
Spock makes one-liners about the massive energies and strange materials involved.
(as per , Kaku and Dr Curtis Saxton

Meanwhile, Uhuru discovers she has become force sensitive (but remembers what happened to Gary Mitchell, so she stays quiet and makes mischief with the force),
Sulu must dissuade Chekov from turning to the darkside, as Chekov is possessed by the darkside...

Scotty finds something better than a tricorder, and Scotty+ R2D2 ditch C3P0 with McCoy...

Some tribbles metastasize with 'midichlorians' and Yuuzhan Vong spores, and mutate into a Buu-like (homage to Dragon Ball Z) creature, and these team up with some SWfringe faction to form some sith-like event... The Darkside Awakens...

Spock and Yoda and a bunch of scientist characters we've never seen before (played by Andy Serkis and Lady Gaga)
figure out that the SW universe is made of AntiAntiMatter relative to the ST universe, and vice versa, and so find a way to get home... cutting off forever the separate universes.
|Spock and Yoda secretly agree its best to 'mindwipe' everyone of the event, so once they're back, they mindwipe everyone involved...|

Lensflares, explosions and swiss-army-lightsabers ensue,
production cost: 280 million+.
Earnings at boxoffice worldwide in 18months post release: 45 Million.

this evolved over a period of a few months, and i cannot claim full authorship as I'm putting ink to paper of a bunch of ideas,
as people at the freethinkers clubs were being lectured by newcomers and one-session wonders,
about how 'racist' the original Star Treks or Star Wars were...

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