Saturday, 31 January 2015

Writing Style Reflection 1

So, as we're all people of many hats... when I'm not dabbling elsewhere,
a friend wanted to console me on my umpteenth rejection letter, and suggested I take a novelty checker test from I Write Like... . com.
Well, it certainly cheered me up!

I write like
Arthur Clarke
I Write Like. Analyze your writing!

I was careful not to put too much into the analyzer, though the results were fun to say the least!

Only one, well, 3 of these fiction pieces, are published, and one of them was sold as part of an anthology... so I don't wish to reveal connexions. Especially the underground satire...

For 2 of my science fiction novellas (7 random samples), I was predominantly returned "you write like Arthur C Clarke" (or Philip K. Dick). I was aiming for Frank Herbert or Brian Herbert/Kevin J Anderson, Harlan Ellison, or, Tezuka, Asimov... though you can't go wrong with Arthur C Clarke!
I think I'll finish the comic adaptation then, and give it another 20 tries!

For the short-story (trashy horror and superhero/satire)
I was told I wrote like Edgar Allen Poe or like Roald Dahl... which was neat.
Thats what the pieces were crafted to resemble as exegetical influences.

For the underground stuff,
I was told I wrote like Bill S Burroughs!

I don't know how reliable these tests can be, as I feel you can write like anyone if you "get into character" and once you've got their formula.
That, and test audiences for my fiction works (including those poor few souls who bought the experimental comics) don't share necessarily those appraisals...
They do like the artstyle though, as Hill said of the reflective surfaces etc.

Still, well worth heading over to "I write like"... for a  boosting pick-me-up if you're questing for publicationing (the only reason I don't self-publish is I don't have the self-means, nor the inclination and resources to do a Doctorate just to get a syndicated publication!)

No amount of positivity will get the non-fiction, "Zugzwang!" off the ground.
If you like Schopenhauer, O. Burkemann or M. McLuhan/B.F. Skinner, you might enjoy this little
38 000 worder - philosophical reflection. that is, if it ever sees the light of day in a viable way...
Maybe futures 'studies' (manipulation) are more your thing?
Well! A few have suggested the hidden posts here and elsewhere would go well into a book,
an objective examination of the stagflation
we see in many things, from the system of 'useless machines' and on,
(above: Frivolous Engineering hints at this in the vid above... imagine this though on a larger scale, say 117 representative useless machines, all being interconnected, in turn... connected to all of their supporters.)

during this convergence (transcendence?) we're herded through,
caught in the crossfire between 'conservationist luddites (realists)'  v technocratic cornucopians.
so stay tuned for a critical examination and continuation of the last half of Zugzwang!
Its at times like the present I'm reminded of the tagline to AvP: Whoever wins, we lose...

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