Saturday, 31 October 2015

composite experiments 2

Hi all!
recently, a composite image craze is taking the model making world by storm.
So, I tinkered a little and came up with these for the tetrahedron.

 Above: Tetrahedron (tactical form) explores a nebula near the Nekrit Expanse.
Nebula background is a remix modified from "Spectral Scent" by aRchAng3lZz of devart, under CCA 3. Visit aRchAng3lZz and support them so as they can keep making space stuff!

Above: again with the 'special' effects - this time, an attempt at spherical lens distortion, motion blur and the 'transwarp tunnel' effect. Is the tetrahedron emerging from a transwarp conduit, or transwarping away to report a threat to the collective?

Again, special thanks to Mark 'Jim Kirk' and DefiantClient for their how-to guides,
and extra special thanks to aRchAng3lZz, who makes outstanding spaceart and needs more support to make even more space concepts.

intermittent statcards 12

a few new-ish statcards are headed your way, care of the local game group and their awesome ideas.
If you've got some ideas, be sure to send them this way in the form of comment or a private message

without further ado; Duros Slicer v2.7
Above: The Duros are some of the few species capable of holding interstellar co-ordinates in their minds, in thanks to their Eidetic memory and 'knack' for maths and astrophysics.
most other species require specialised astrogation buffers or astromech droids to hold hyperspace co-ordinates, or the Force, to navigate vast interstellar distances.

Restraining Bolt was found during playtesting with save 11 to be too annoying, so this was lowered to save 8 and found to be just annoying enough hehe (usually, it was a Gonk droid that was hit with the restraining bolt to prevent extra attacks etc.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

intermittent statcards pt 11

here's a few more custom statcards!
Thanks for the renewed interest also - I'm pleased to say that on bloomilk it has exceeded 30 000 page view, elsewhere it is ~48 000 and downloads per statcard stays high around ~100/month
which is pure awesome! Thanks for enjoying some statcards.
If only you'd leave feedback or requests, or even better, links to your own statcards and custom minis! Especially for any concrit feedback you may have... because you've got some great ideas out there.

 Above: A Gundark Alpha Pack Leader, v2.0

Locals were complaining that there weren't many critters, and that the damage output of existing critters hasn't kept pace with the state of the power creep in the main 'competitive' game... voila! this thing turns the 22 point CotF Gundark into a 180Dmg melee beast!
Above: a rare Octuptarran.
Ocula was an awesome thing from "Small Soldiers" - looking like a cool-er variant of Larvox (that is, until the GL movie version of Larvox) - and, since the Octuptarra droid looked a lot like Ocula,
it only made sense to make an 'Octuptarran" resemble the droid.
The back story is fluff, but paints the Skakoans (Wat Tambor etc) as being techno-slavers, who tinkered to make the "Octuptarrans", as distinct from the Argus-Panopticles style monsters or the Medusa styled monsters which in the 'canonical' universe, lead to the name of the Octuptarra Droid.
The Skakoans also meddled with the Nelvaan warriors, and perhaps the sudden Skakoan fascination with GMO stemmed from Darth Plagueis? (who had manipulated the IGBC for a long time, prior to Palps becoming involved...)

Above: A request for a while now... a Desaan to rival the Katarn-BattleMaster.
Fringe and not sith, because Desaan was not really Imperial nor Sith... he was a warlord all his own.
Tavion will be Sith Faction though.

prototype card layout for Sith (NJO era)

Saturday, 10 October 2015

intermittent stat card update 9

here's a few more statcards from the backlog;
credit where credit is due, without the locals playtesting these and coming up with great ideas,
I'd not have statcards to collaborate on and make.
Great work team.

Above: Jawa Chieftan, a variant anyhow. v2.3
Costing is still being adjusted, but as soon as we get "Closed Ranks" and the CE's sorted, we'l re-up with the definitive version = )

Above: the name may be a place holder, but this concept is to be a generic force battery (for use in larger point games, where Yoda is not quite enough). The price point works out to be around 70, but,
we found even with Lightsaber Style Mastery, this piece ended up dying more often than not, so lowered the cost until it was competitive.

 Above: Aerial Droideka v 3.7, notorius from the Jedi Starfighter games series and comicbooks.

The Aerial DD is a tricky affair to price, because it has a couple of negative features to balance Blaster Barrage. Shields X as opposed to Advanced Shields or Reflective Shielding etc allows more survivability, tempered by Fragile which prevents you from shooting or moving at 24 squares...
Scarce Material ensures you do not have too many in your squad, and a base attack of 1 attack means this is going to be difficult to have high damage output.

Previous versions had Limited Programming (you can NEVER benefit from SAs or CEs of any kind for any reason), Programmed Target and Emplacement. We found nobody ever chose them over the regular destroyer droid, or the k-series droid or the octuptarra droid...

This variant should cost 42-47pts, but, by pricing it a little less, it will hopefully be just different enough to be something new to choose without being too broken.
These things were annoying in the videogames as many have recalled, so hopefully the miniatures variant lives up to that background lore hehehe

special thanks to devart user "Kogane801": your outstanding sketching skill are the stuff of legend.
(and, your other works resemble Osamu Tezuka's stuff)

 Above: an iron knight v2,

The iron knight was originally part of this set, but playtesting hadn't finished until recently.
Extra thanks to kogane801 and to Rex Moonwielder 1995's variant of iron knight for inspiring this revision.
This also comes in a regular saber variant which has draw fire instead (and is based more upon the Jensaari Defender)